Monday, April 18, 2011

Employers Use Social Media To Find Candidates

A new survey from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) reveals that 56% of employers use social networking websites in their search for appropriate candidates, and another 20% said they plan to do so in the near future, according to a posting by blogger David John Walker at
The survey from the world’s biggest association of hiring managers shows that LinkedIn currently dominates this space, with 95% of hiring managers who use social networking website reporting that they use LinkedIn to find and evaluate new candidates.

The SHRM survey underscores what has become increasingly evident to job hunters and employers alike: for the job seeker, an updated LinkedIn profile is a necessity and for the employer, LinkedIn should be the first stop in the recruitment process.  The SHRM report explains that employers are gravitating to social networking websites because they “allow an employer the opportunity to gather initial information about a job candidate before a single word has been exchanged."

A good Linked in profile will provide a potential employer with a concise, clear picture of the candidate’s strengths and talents, experience, and current occupation. A really good LinkedIn profile will also have recommendations prior employers, colleagues, and clients.

Read More.

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