Monday, June 3, 2024

Katz: Radio Delivers Media Super and Light-Users

Media appetites are constantly evolving. Whether adopting new technologies, discovering new content, or making lifestyle changes, consumers have ample opportunity to lean into a new favorite media source. Katz's latest analysis of national Nielsen Scarborough data explores radio engagement among Adults 25-54, a cohort that includes Millennials, Gen X, and even Gen Z consumers, to see how radio fits into their lives alongside television and the internet. The data shows that whether they're a super-user of other media, or an under-engaged consumer - radio is a staple among them all.  

Radio Is Strong Among Heavy Users of Internet and TV

According to the latest Scarborough release, radio reaches 91% of A25-54 each week, and the average person spends 1 hour 12 minutes with radio a day. Looking at A25-54 who are super fans of other major media, those in the top two usage quintiles for internet or television, radio's reach and engagement continue to shine. AM/FM reaches 9 out of 10 A25-54, regardless of how much additional media they consume. And these users are not sacrificing radio time to compensate for their hearty usage of other media. Television and internet super fans listen to a comparable amount of radio to the average A25-54.

Daily Time Spend With Radio

Radio Connects Brands With Light Users of Other Major Media

On the other end of the spectrum, radio offers brands new opportunities for connecting with under-engaged media consumers as well, those in the bottom two usage quintiles for internet and TV. Half of A25-54 fall into this light user category for TV, consuming under 15 minutes of TV a day. And a third are light internet users, spending 3 hours 16 minutes on the internet across an entire week. Both groups are unlikely to have any meaningful exposure to ad campaigns on those respective platforms. Radio fills that gap for brands, delivering 91% of light internet users, and 89% of light TV viewers. These light users have healthy radio appetites, spending a comparable amount of time with radio as the average A25-54. 

Daily Time Spent with Radio

Radio's very nature as an “everywhere” medium gives it wide appeal among today’s busy A25-54 consumers. Even among super-users, there are places and situations where TV and internet usage is just not feasible - but radio is. Consumers can easily listen in places, such as the car or at work, during activities where and when other media cannot reach them. Regardless of what other media A25-54 consumers are using, there is still a place in their lives for radio. 

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