Friday, September 13, 2024

NRB: Time Running Out For AM Radio Act

With just a handful of weeks in session left before the end of the 118th Congress, time is running out to get pending legislative priorities across the finish line. The National Religious Broadcasters are urging members to use their voice to protect the future of AM Radio in the auto dash

The key battle for broadcasters—saving AM radio in vehicles— is still going strong, according to the NRB.

After several leading automakers made the unwarranted move to strip new electric vehicles of AM radio capabilities in the spring of last year, broadcasters and public safety advocates galvanized support around efforts to keep AM radio in all new vehicles made and imported into the United States.

The AM Radio For Every Vehicle Act presents a bipartisan solution, supported by a politically and geographically diverse base of 261 House members and 62 Senators. The bill has advanced out of the Senate Commerce Committee and awaits committee markup in the House. With a new Congress being sworn in on January 3, 2025, the time is now for House leadership to see the bill enacted within this Congress.

AM radio is a messenger of stability and a calm in the storm, whether it’s hurricane season or the everyday tempests of life. In June, Troy A. Miller, President and CEO of the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB), penned an op-ed in Newsmax highlighting AM radio’s crucial role in hurricane season and other potential disasters. Miller pointed out in another piece that the AM radio requirement will not significantly increase the manufacturing expense of electric vehicles, and that the benefits of having AM radio in every vehicle outweigh any potential drawbacks.

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