Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Report: Veep Keeps List Of Reporters Who Displease Her

The Daily Mail 5/19/21 Screenshot

Kamala Harris keeps a list of journalists who she believes 'don't fully understand her or appreciate her life experience,' according to The Daily Mail citing a new profile of the vice president.

Harris, 56, is known for keeping reporters at arm's-length.

On Monday a journalist with The Atlantic claimed that she went further, and kept records of reporters who displeased her.

Among them was Chelsea Janes, a Washington Post reporter who covered the 2020 election and is now their national baseball writer.

Janes in 2019 attended a Harris campaign event where Harris' sorority greeted her with their distinctive cheer, which Janes described as 'screeching'.

'She often mentions an episode in which a Washington Post reporter mistook the cheer of the historic Black sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha for "screeches," I was told,' the reporter wrote.

'She particularly doesn't like the word cautious, and aides look out for synonyms too. Careful, guarded, and hesitant don't go over well.

'But she continues to retreat behind talking points and platitudes in public, and declines many interview requests and opportunities to speak for herself (including for this article).

'At times, she comes off as so uninteresting that television producers have started to wonder whether spending thousands of dollars to send people on trips with her is worthwhile, given how little usable material they get out of it.'

Harris, who was a senator for California before she became president, has long had a reputation as being cagey around the media - unlike Biden, whose garrulousness is legendary. Once he became a serious presidential contender he toned that down, under pressure from his aides, and granted very few interviews on the campaign trail.

Harris is similarly reticent.

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