Thursday, June 9, 2011

Your Career: 4 Mistakes You Shouldn't Make

What can those of us who make mistakes learn from Anthony Weiner’s saga?

John Baldoni, The Purposeful Leader,
1. If you make a mistake, admit it right away. So often the cover up is worse than the transgression because it shows you are deceitful.

2. Do not lie. Especially do not tell lies repeatedly. You’ll get caught.

3. Apologies aren’t enough. No matter how long you drone on.  You have to show you’re not just sorry you got caught. You’re sincere. That means make reparations.

4. Shut up and go back to work. For Weiner, going back to work may be problematic. He has vowed not to resign. While resignation is his option, it is really not his decision. It is the decision of his constituents. They will do it at the ballot next year but what to do in the meantime? It would have been preferable if he had said in his press conference that he was going to talk to his constituents first and then make a decision about staying or going.

That statement would have resonated with integrity. But as we all know now, integrity is not one of Representative Weiner’s strong suits.
Read More.

John Baldoni is an internationally acclaimed leadership educator, executive coach and speaker. In 2011, John was named No. 11 on the list of the world's top thirty leadership gurus. He blogs for Fast Company, the Washington Post, and Harvard Business Review.

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