Monday, September 23, 2024

58% of Americans Prefer to Get News on a Digital Device

New survey data from the Pew Research Center shows that a significant majority of Americans (58%) continue to prefer to get news on digital devices versus only 32% preferring TV.

The new data on Pew’s "News Platform Fact Sheet", shows, however, a slight rebound in preferences for TV news.

About 33% of those surveyed in 2024 said they often got their news from TV with another 31% saying they sometimes turned to TV for news. That represented a slight improvement over 2023, when 32% said they often got news from TV and 30% said they sometimes got news from TV.

About 57% said they often got their news on digital devices while 29% said they sometimes did.

News websites or apps and search engines are the most common source of news, Pew reported. About two thirds (66%) often or sometimes got their news from news websites or apps while 65% got their news from search engines. More than half (54%) at least sometimes get news from social media, and 27% say the same about podcasts.

Overall, at 86% got their news often or sometimes from digital devices, versus 63% for TV, 42% for radio and only 26% often or sometimes from newspapers.

The 2024 data is from a survey of U.S. adults conducted July 15-Aug. 4, 2024.

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