Wednesday, May 15, 2024

CPB CEO Responds To Cruz' Concern of NPR Bias

Corporation for Public Broadcasting CEO Patricia Harrison responded to Senator Ted Cruz’s letter regarding NPR funding. 

In his letter, Senator Cruz expressed deep concern about NPR’s departure from its stated mission, citing a perceived culture of political bias and partisanship at the network. He also criticized NPR CEO Katherine Maher, calling her an “angry, Left-wing radical.” Senator Cruz asked CPB to justify continued funding for NPR despite these concerns.

Patricia Harrison
In her response, Patricia Harrison emphasized the value of public radio stations, which provide fact-based journalism to millions of Americans. These stations serve as essential sources of news, especially in rural and remote areas. Harrison clarified that CPB’s direct funding of NPR primarily covers interconnection facilities and operations, not programming. She also highlighted CPB’s responsibility to maintain objectivity and balance in content grant agreements with NPR.

CPB conducts annual audits of recipients, including NPR, to ensure adherence to funding requirements. 

Additionally, CPB supports independent reviews of objectivity and balance mandates while maintaining editorial independence. The goal is to continue providing valuable public broadcasting while upholding transparency and accountability.

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