Monday, May 13, 2024

Report: HD Radio Increasingly Prevalent In New Cars

HD Radio has become increasingly prevalent in new cars across North America, acccording to RadioWorld.

Here are the key details:

HD Radio Adoption: Xperi, a leading technology company, reports that HD Radio now comes standard in 58% of new vehicles built for the North American market. This represents a growth from 52% three years ago1. Notably, Hyundai and Genesis have made Xperi’s HD Radio a standard feature across their North American models.

Global Deployment: Xperi’s DTS AutoStage hybrid radio platform is now deployed in 6 million vehicles globally, marking a 50% increase since August of the previous year. Additionally, Xperi’s new video service for the same platform is deployed in hundreds of thousands of cars across seven countries.

Financial Insights: In the first quarter of this year, Xperi’s revenue was $118.8 million, down $8 million from the same period last year. This decrease is partly due to the subsequent divestiture of its AutoSense business. Xperi posted a net loss of $13.4 million, an improvement compared to the $32.9 million loss a year ago.

Strategic Outlook: Xperi’s CEO, Jon Kirchner, emphasizes the company’s focus on growth areas such as connected car, media platform, and video-over-broadband. The company aims to achieve its multi-year targets by scaling its TiVo OS footprint and accelerating connected car deployments.

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