Just a day after Comcast’s NBCUniversal announced a reorganization of its executive ranks, the conglomerate said that senior leaders who comprise the executive committee, reporting directly to CEO Jeff Shell, will be reducing their salaries by 20% amid the ongoing coronavirus outbreak,
Variety is reporting.

“While we do not believe in a one-size-fits-all approach, we do plan to take a couple of actions across the entire company,” said Shell in an email to employees. “As a first step, the senior leaders who comprise the Executive Committee have volunteered to take a 20% reduction to their salaries. We also plan to roll back the most recent salary increases for our exempt employees who have salaries in excess of $100,000. For the vast majority of you, this means reversing the recent merit increase that just went into effect in early March.”
For most employees, that merit bump marked a 3% increase, a source close to the situation tells Variety.
Shell, Comcast chief Brian Roberts and certain other senior Comcast executives had already agreed last month to donate their salaries to coronavirus-related relief efforts.
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