In a self-defeating act of journalistic group think, America's editorial pages launched a coordinated protest against President Trump on Thursday, all running negative editorials attacking the president over his #FakeNews rhetoric.
The Boston Globe, who organized the effort, calls it "educating readers" about "an attack on the First Amendment." But to the average American, seeing an editorial in their local paper trashing Trump is called "A day that ends in 'y.'"
In a commentary on CBS News website, columist and radio host Michael Graham wonders "Who's going to be persuaded by this effort, or be impressed that a few hundred newspapers can hum the same tune? Who's even going to notice?"
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Michael Graham |
"There's a run on pain pills from all the muscle injuries inflicted by self-indulgent media back-patting. "A Free Press Needs You," a New York Times editorial headline blared on Wednesday, praising themselves for "answering the call" of the Boston Globe and courageously facing the threat that is Donald Trump.
"#FakeNews? That phrase is "dangerous to the lifeblood of democracy," the Times intoned. "And calling journalists the 'enemy of the people' is dangerous, period."
"And to prove we aren't the enemy, we in the media are going to band together and go after the guy who keeps saying we are! The same guy we attack every day, seemingly no matter what he does, and in ways we've never attacked a politician before!
That might be an unfair characterization, but it's easy to understand why Trump supporters would see it that way. They remember the Obama administration spying on reporters. They remember Obama White House attempts to have Fox News de-legitimized and removed from traditional media opportunities over its viewpoint.
President Obama called out the network by name repeatedly.
"How many "Days Of Editorial Rage" did that inspire?
Nicely done by Michael Graham. The poor newspapers decided, to show editorial strength, to do the very thing the President has been accusing them of! Talk about collusion! When you have a press corp that is running an average of 92% negative stories about the President, any reasonable person would say he's not getting a fair shake. Hell, Satan would get better than 8% positive coverage!