Saturday, July 7, 2018

Report: Radio Reaches Light TV Viewers

Traditional radio believes it can give TV advertisers better access to light TV viewers -- with higher campaign lift -- by allocating some of their media dollars to radio.

In its first Nielsen cross-media study, analyzing TV and AM/FM radio, network radio company Westwood One says that while light and non-TV viewers represent a large percentage of the TV audience, they represent only a small percentage of TV time spent and commercial impressions.

The study says that while light and non-TV viewers -- 18-49 -- represent 44% of the U.S, they only comprise 9% of total TV impressions.

With AM/FM radio reaches 90% of light viewers, a media buy on radio would make overall TV advertising plans more effective.

Pierre Bouvard, Chief Insights Officer of Westwood One, tells Television News Daily: “Per Nielsen’s CommsPoint media-planning software, you can expect a 40% lift in campaign reach by allocating 20% of the TV budget to AM/FM radio.”

AM/FM radio reaches all light TV viewer demographics:
  • Teens: 44% of persons 12-17 represent only 9% of total TV commercial impressions. AM/FM radio reaches 88% of this audience.
  • Millennials 18-34: 45% of persons 18-34 represent only 7% of total TV commercial impressions. AM/FM radio reaches 89% of this audience.
  • Persons 25-54: 44% of persons 25-54 represent only 10% of total TV commercial impressions. AM/FM radio reaches 92% of this audience.
  • Boomers 55+: 41% of persons 55+ represent only 17% of total TV commercial impressions. AM/FM radio reaches 93% of this audience.

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