Monday, May 13, 2024

Buffalo Radio: Talker Tom Bauerly Sued Over Mother's Estate

WBEN-AM talk show host Tom Bauerle is accused in a lawsuit filed by his siblings of taking advantage of his dying mother’s state of advanced illness to gain power of attorney from her and cut them out of their portion of her estate.

The Buffalo News reports the siblings, Richard Bauerle and Barbara Mattucci, filed the lawsuit in State Supreme Court last week. The three siblings were to share the estate of their mother, Dorothy Bauerle, equally. But Tom Bauerle, despite providing little care for his mother before her hospitalization in December of last year, insisted on living with and caring for her in the final months of her life. She died in early March, according to the complaint.

In January of this year, Dorothy Bauerle “acting under duress, undue influence and the fraud of defendant, Tom Bauerle, and without capacity to do so, executed a power of attorney for solely the defendant, Tom Bauerle, and purportedly eliminated his brother, Richard G. Bauerle, as power of attorney,” according to the lawsuit.

The siblings, who are represented by attorney Terrence M. Connors, presented text messages from Tom Bauerle, including “Cognitive a bit off” and “Old lady confused,” as evidence that Tom Bauerle was aware that Dorothy Bauerle did not have the mental capacity necessary to execute a power of attorney, giving control over her bank accounts to Tom Bauerle.

Beginning in late January, Tom Bauerle is accused of making large withdrawals from multiple accounts controlled by Dorothy Bauerle – $111,279; $197,139; $215,259; $310,266, and others – and transferred the money into accounts to be used for his own purposes.


  1. And he bragged on his radio show how he was his mother’s only caregiver. Now we know why! I absolutely believe this revelation. I hope his siblings prevail in their quest for justice. Baurle is just a scumbag!

  2. Joe Beamer would be a great replacement.

  3. Egotistical self centered narcissistic bastard.

  4. Tom is back on the air. He's not speaking about the lawsuit. His brother used to fill in for him when Tom was on vacation or out sick.

  5. seemed kind of strange that most/all of financial assets were in one siblings name. idk...maybe instead of having to sue for his own share, he decided they could come after him for theirs.

  6. Beyond despicable!

  7. Really? Beamer is an awful bore. He lacks the voice or personality for radio. He's in the wrong profession.

    1. Love Beamer so honest professional not a big mouth like the other it’s very disturbing to listen to the other he is a angry man and so nasty to people who call in also when you call in the guy who answers is not nice he thinks everything is fine yeah right it’s that game they play among coworkers they side with him just keep job please put Beamer on please I don’t listen anymore he’s disturbing bauerly

  8. Agreed , Beamer is in the wrong profession. He sounds like SpongeBob square pants. he should stick to delivering pizza.
