Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Boston Radio: Toucher Speaks Ill Of The Dead

Fred Toucher
Fred Toucher, a longtime 98.5 The Sports Hub host, has come under fire for his comments about the late NBA legend Bill Walton. 

Here’s what happened:

During a Tuesday's episode of the “Toucher and Hardy” show on 98.5 The Sports Hub in Boston, a caller requested that Toucher play an old clip of him hanging up on Walton during an interview. Instead of paying a respectful tribute, Toucher took a controversial approach.

He began mocking Walton, referring to him as a “phony hippie.” Toucher’s comments were met with criticism, especially given that Walton had recently passed away after a battle with prostate cancer.

Toucher is known for his “shock jock” style and pushing the envelope on the airwaves. His history of controversial moments has both boosted ratings and created uncomfortable situations for station management. In this case, his decision to mock Walton shortly after his death has sparked debate about appropriateness and respect.

While it’s true that Toucher hung up on Walton during a previous interview, some argue that it was not the right time to bring up those past interactions. Regardless, Toucher’s unfiltered approach remains a defining characteristic of his radio persona.

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