Thursday, September 5, 2024

Fox News Trump PA Town Hall Was Lovefest

For former President Donald J. Trump, Wednesday’s town hall in Harrisburg was more like batting practice. reports Fox News broadcaster Sean Hannity - with help from pre-selected audience members - teed up all of Trump’s favorite whipping boys from Democrats to undocumented immigrants to the “fake news media,” and then sat back as the former president tried to smash them out of the park.

Little news was made, though Trump, in response to an audience question, did provide some interesting insight into how his hoped-for second term would be different from the first: He now has, Trump said, a better idea of who he wants to work for him in the White House and federal agencies.

In the first term from January 2017 through January 2021, Trump said, he was saddled with staffers ad appointees who “in some cases were not what I really wanted, because I didn’t really know Washington.”

That’s different now, the former president said.

“A big key to running it is to get the right people. You get the right persons and the right group of people at the heads of these massive agencies, and you’re going to have tremendous success... and I know ‘em all now.”

To some degree, the event was a little like debate prep for Trump, who is scheduled to share the stage with Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris next Tuesday on the ABC broadcast network.

Hannity is known as one of Trump’s most-favored broadcasters. The former president frequently turns up on Hannity’s show for studio interviews or more impromptu call-ins, and this is the third “town hall-style” setting that the two have shared since last summer.

Trump noted the difference in the setting at several points when Hannity brought up the upcoming debate, contending that as he sees it ABC is the “most unfair” of the news media outlets.

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