Rush Limbaugh began his radio show Monday praising President Obama for his leadership in the demise of Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. In his nationally syndicated radio show, Limbaugh who has been one of Obama's fiercest critics, gave the commander-in-chief all the glory in the successful mission that ended the life of Public Enemy No. 1.

RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, we need to open the program today by congratulating President Obama. President Obama has done something extremely effective, and when he does, this needs to be pointed out. President Obama has continued the Bush policies of keeping a military presence in the Middle East. He did not scrub the mission to get Bin Laden. In fact, it may be that President Obama single-handedly came up with the technique in order to pull this off. You see, the military wanted to go in there and bomb like they always do. They wanted to go in here and drop missiles and launch bombs, a number of totally destructive techniques here. But President Obama, perhaps the only qualified member in the room to deal with this, insisted on the Special Forces. No one else thought of that. Not a single intelligence advisor, not a single national security advisor, not a single military advisor came up with the idea of using SEAL Team 6 or any of the Special Forces...
Couriers were needed by Osama to receive and send information. In order to keep him alive, in order to keep him safe, they couldn't allow any communication. There was no television. There was no Internet. There were no telephones, no satellite, nothing in or out. It required couriers. Detainees who may have been waterboarded, and again we need to never forget that President Obama deserves praise for continuing the policies established by George W. Bush which led to the acquisition of this intel that led us to the enlarged hut in Pakistan that led to the assassination of Bin Laden last night. The detainees, many of them started talking, and the couriers were identified.
The couriers were then tracked and followed by intelligence operatives, and it was learned as far back as last summer where Bin Laden was. Last summer it was suggested that we go in and get Bin Laden, and Obama even then, knowing full well and the only one in the room knowing that the military's way going in there and bombing this thing wasn't the way to work. Thank God for President Obama. If he had not been there, who knows what woulda happened. It was only Obama who understood the need to get DNA, to prove that this was Bin Laden that we had assassinated.
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