Monday, August 3, 2015

ESPN Cuts Colin Cowherd Loose

Colin Cowherd
As Major League Baseball demanded an apology from radio host Colin Cowherd for making insensitive remarks about Dominican players, ESPN removed him from the air Friday, July 31, 2015.

Cowherd, talking on his national radio show Thursday, was making a point about whether a general manager could handle managerial duties. In May, general manager Dan Jennings of the Miami Marlins moved to the dugout.

“It’s baseball,” Cowherd said. “You don’t think a general manager can manage? Like it’s impossible? The game is too complex? I’ve never bought into that, ‘Baseball’s just too complex.’ Really? A third of the sport is from the Dominican Republic.”

MLB issued a statement Friday regarding Cowherd’s comments: “Major League Baseball condemns the remarks made by Colin Cowherd, which were inappropriate, offensive and completely inconsistent with the values of our game. Mr. Cowherd owes our players of Dominican origin, and Dominican people generally, an apology.” provided an apology from Cowherd, who is preparing to move to FOX Sports after ESPN did not renew his contract last week. ESPN also removed him from the air on Friday, saying, “Colin Cowherd’s comments over the past two days do not reflect the values of ESPN or our employees. Colin will no longer appear on ESPN.”

Cowherd apologized via Twitter on Friday afternoon, saying (edited), “I did not intend to offend anyone with my comments. I realize my choice of words was poor and not reflective of who I am. I am sorry.”

Cowherd previously announced he was moving to yet unspecified role at FOXX Sports.

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