Tuesday, September 10, 2024

FCC Sets Regulatory Fees Due Next Month

The FCC has adopted a proposal to reduce annual regulatory fees for the radio industry by about 6% for most AM and FM classes1. This marks the second consecutive year of fee reductions, following a 5% cut last year.

The reduction is largely due to changes in how the FCC calculates the costs of its full-time employees. Specifically, the costs associated with 63 employees will no longer be shared by broadcasters1. As a result, the radio industry will bear less of the FCC’s overall costs, particularly beyond the Media Bureau1. The Media Bureau, which has 140 full-time employees and an operating budget of $114.72 million, will see broadcasters’ share amount to $55.1 million, or 13% of the overall FCC budget1.

The National Association of Broadcasters and state broadcast associations have praised these adjustments, noting that they more accurately reflect the costs associated with the work done for radio and TV1. The annual fees will help fund the FCC’s proposed $390.2 million budget for the fiscal year starting October 11.

Commissioner Brendan Carr, however, partially dissented from the decision, expressing concerns about the FCC’s efficiency in finding cost-saving measures1. He emphasized the need for the agency to reform its processes more quickly to reduce the financial burden on industries1.

Broadcasters must pay their annual fees by October 11.

The FCC is funded entirely by regulatory fees.

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