Wednesday, May 1, 2024

CNN's Jim Acosta 'Surprised' By Trump Showing In Poll

Jim Acosta astounded Americans think Trump presidency a success . . . CNN host Jim Acosta on Monday was astounded by a poll this week showing a majority of Americans perceive former President Donald Trump’s term as successful. 

Jim Acosta
The CNN poll found that 55% of Americans believe Trump’s presidency was a success, while the same percentage of voters said in January 2021 that it was a failure. Acosta said on “CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta” that it was “extraordinary” that some voters look back fondly at Trump’s presidency, citing the number of deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic and the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021

Most Americans support mass deportations . . . Fifty-one percent of Americans say in a new survey that they’re in favor of mass deportations of illegals, and oddly enough, a sizable share of self-identified Democrats are among those who agree. And with that — this: “Trump pledges that as president he would immediately launch ‘the largest domestic deportation operation in American history,’” The Washington Post — and plenty of other media — reported a couple of months ago. President Biden, beware. Beware the elections. Consequences for open border actions are coming. Cheryl Chumley in the 

US says Israeli troops violated human rights . . . The US State Department has found five units of the Israeli military responsible for gross violations of human rights in individual incidents but says they will continue to receive US military backing. All the incidents involved took place outside of Gaza before the current war. Israel took corrective action in four units, giving "additional information" on the fifth, the department says. This means all the units remain eligible for US military assistance.

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