Monday, February 4, 2019

CBS Sunday Morning Visits with Linda Ronstadt

Linda Ronstadt quit performing years ago – her Parkinson's disease makes singing impossible. But last fall, she spoke to a sellout crowd at The Theatre at Ace Hotel in Los Angeles, who came to see her in person, and listen to her talk about what has been a magical life. according to CBS News.

Ronstadt was a musical force of nature who sold 100 million records, had four consecutive platinum albums, and won an armful of Grammys for songs in wildly different music styles, like country, Latin and pop

For more than four decades it seemed there was nothing Linda Ronstadt couldn't do, until she sensed that her voice was beginning to fail her.

CBS Correspondent Tracy Smith asked Ronstadt, "When did you start noticing there was something wrong with your voice?"

"2000," she replied. "I'd start to sing and then it would just clamp up. It was, like, a cramp. My voice would freeze. And I said, 'There's something wrong with my voice.' And people would say, 'Oh, you're just a perfectionist.' I go, 'No, there's really something systemically wrong.'

"And it's very slow-moving, this disease, so it took a long time to really finally manifest."

She played her last show in 2009, but it wasn't until 2013 that she revealed she'd been diagnosed with Parkinson's.

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