Thursday, September 6, 2018

Senator Sanders Introduces 'Stop Bezos' Act

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is escalating his feud with Amazon and its founder, Jeff Bezos, introducing a new bill that would charge big companies for the federal welfare programs that support their low-wage workers.

Sanders on Wednesday introduced the bill, which is named the Stop Bad Employers by Zeroing Out Subsidies Act, or Stop BEZOS Act.

"At a time of massive income and wealth inequality, when the 3 wealthiest people in America own more wealth than the bottom 50 percent and when 52 percent of all new income goes to the top one percent, the American people are tired of subsidizing multi-billionaires who own some of the largest and most profitable corporations in America," Sanders said in a statement.

According to The Hill, Sanders cited a report by the nonprofit New Food Economy suggesting that a third of Amazon employees in Arizona -- and thousands in other states -- rely on food stamps.

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