Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Study: Podcasting Still Faces Headwinds

Much has been written about podcasting's explosive growth, its advertising prospects and its technical challenges.

Is podcasting approaching its reach potential?

How many are listening to podcasts regularly today and, from an advertiser's perspective, how mass appeal is it?

Over the last year Bridge Ratings has done continuous monthly studies and analysis on this exciting audio platform and in the just-completed August study we've clarified podcasting's potential for growth.

“Podcasting still faces a headwind as a mass-reach medium the implications of which are yet to be determined. However, its ability to finely target consumers in an on-demand world will continue to be one of its strongest benefits,” states Dave Van Dyke, President/CEO at Bridge Ratings LLC.

While 20% of Americans have listened to a podcast in the past 30 days, how many at this time are still likely to begin listening to a podcast and, more importantly, how many have no interest in podcasts?

 The first set of bars to the left shows trends for those persons in the sample who have listened to a podcast in the past week.

14% listened to a podcast in the past week and that number has not changed since our February 2016 fielding of a similar study.

The second set of bars from the left represents trends in podcast consumption over the preceding 30 days. We're seeing nice growth here with 20% of the sample having listened to a podcast in the previous 30 days up from 19% in February and 15% last August 2015.

Similar trends are included for those that have ever listened to a podcast and for those that expressed interest in listening in the future.

According to Van Dyke, what is perhaps the most intriguing metric included here is the final set of bars to the right: Those persons in our sample that indicated they have no interest - at this time - in listening to a podcast.

While this number has come down over the three studies quoted here, it remains a substantial number of potential consumers of this audio platform.

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