Thursday, November 18, 2010

Should Objectivity Still Be The Standard In News?

After MSNBC host Keith Olbermann was suspended for making political contributions, journalist Ted Koppel criticized the lack of objectivity in the news, and looked backward toward the halcyon days of Murrow. But media critic Jeff Jarvis believes the old model is outdated.

Former ABC newsman Ted Koppel has responded to criticism from MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann by saying Olbermann has his “perspective” and his “facts” “screwed up.” In an op-ed on Sunday, Koppel charged that polarizing figures such as Olbermann and O’Reilly detract from the journalism profession. Olbermann responded by attacking Koppel and his false promise of “objectivity,” adding that Koppel doesn’t understand the complexities of “modern news.”

“I think Keith Olbermann is a very bright and clearly passionate man, but I think he has his perspective a little screwed up, and he has his facts screwed up too,” Koppel told NPR on Wednesday.

Tom's Take:  Why does Keith Olbermann always sound so angry? I
suspect because he can dish it out, but can't take it (criticism)!

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