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Friday, June 17, 2016

Howard Stern: People Are Sheep, Wolves Are Attacking

Howard Stern
On his Wedneday radio show, Howard Stern warned against gun control, saying most people are "sheep."

"I’m so upset about Orlando and what went down, but I can’t believe these people who come out afterwards and their answer to Orlando is to take away guns from the public," Stern said. "It’s XXX mind-blowing to me."

"The military — and they don’t mean it in a derogatory way — but they look at the public as sheep," he said. "And we are sheep. Most of us sit around all day and we don’t know how to defend ourselves. We basically think everything’s OK."

"Except the wolves — the bad guys, ISIS, or terrorists, homegrown or otherwise — they're wolves. The military and police look at themselves as sheepdogs. They’re warriors, but on the good side."

"The terrorists all have AR-15s, they have glocks, they have every kind of pistol."

"Now what if I went up to the sheep and I said, ‘You wanna have a shot at the wolves? I’m going to give you a pistol. You can actually even the playing field with these wolves whose fangs are out — you can shoot them.’ There’s not a sheepdog for every citizen."

"The most gun-free zone on the planet is a plane. On 9/11, what did the wolves do? They said, 'This is great. We’ll just kill the sheep with boxcutters.' So they went on the plane with boxcutters and all the sheep went, ‘Baaaa.'"

"The wolves are always planning. They’ll use boxcutters. They’ll use an airplane and fly it right into a building. They don’t need AR-15s."

"I don’t like violence — I don’t like any of this stuff — but I consider myself a sheep. Most of your politicians have private security, so they’re OK. Those are sheep that are very well protected. You, on the other hand, are a sitting duck."

"I’m not for taking away people’s rights."

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