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Monday, September 3, 2012

How Marketron Brought Radio Into The Cloud Era

Imagine a radio or television program director sitting out at the pool, checking the ad and program lineup on an iPad and making changes as needed on the fly via the Web. Of course, program directors wouldn't be caught dead doing their work in this manner, but in theory it's possible. This is now made real through a company called Marketron.

Marketron is a veteran of the communications business, consisting of a rollup of previous companies totaling about 40 years in operation. For years, broadcast media companies relied on client-based software to handle ad traffic: where and when the ads ran, what they cost, at what frequency, and so on.

Marketron's Mediascape platform is a SaaS solution in the cloud -- or on-premises, whichever a client prefers -- that allows media organizations to operate their stations' processes easier and more efficiently.

"Marketron has moved over the last two or three years to a more open platform -- a business-intelligence business where we are moving that data seamlessly through the organization," CEO Jeff Haley told eWEEK. "We've become more of a business information provider, versus a traditional trafficker."

Even though the Internet has become the de facto go-to source for media in the second decade of the 21st century, enterprises still spend more than $18 billion on radio advertisements in the U.S. An amazing 80 percent of that ad spend -- approximate $15 billion -- flows through Marketron's systems, which clearly makes it the No. 1 ad-traffic software provider in an industry that is typically perceived as antiquated.

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