Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Top Dems Threatened To Forcibly Remove Biden From Office

Vice President Kamala Harris secured the pledged support of a majority of delegates to the Democratic National Convention on Monday, putting her on track to formally lock up the party’s nomination next month to take on former President Donald Trump this fall, according to The Wall Street Journal.

To secure the nomination, Harris needed a majority of the 3,949 pledged delegates to the convention, which begins Aug. 19, who can vote on the first ballot. By Monday evening, Harris had secured more than 2,200 delegates, giving her enough to claim the nomination, according to a count by the Associated Press.

Harris traveled to Wilmington, Del., to meet with campaign staff based in President Biden’s hometown, and Biden, who is recuperating from Covid-19, called into the gathering. He said he realized it was difficult for many staff members to learn of his decision but “it was the right thing to do.”

“The name has changed at the top of the ticket, but the mission hasn’t changed at all,” Biden said, according to audio piped into the event.

Meanwhile, The NY Post reports operatives at the very highest levels of the Democratic Party threatened Joe Biden with forcibly removing him from office unless he stepped down.

The well-orchestrated “palace coup” to stop the faltering president seeking re-election has been in place for weeks, but stubborn Biden fought against it every step of the way, a source close to the Biden family told The Post Monday.

The insider also made clear the anger, paranoia and frustration Biden displayed as the party elite circled around him and piled on the pressure.

Part of the “elaborate” strategy to remove Biden from the race – as he announced in a shock letter posted on X Sunday – was allowing him to debate Republican candidate Donald Trump last month on live TV in Atlanta.

During the car crash 90-minute debate, Biden appeared confused, slack-jawed and at one point he froze up, with his shocking performance turning the tide against him.

As calls for him to bow out mounted, Biden insisted he would continue, but party bigwigs threatened to invoke the 25th Amendment to the US Constitution.

The amendment allows for the vice president and members of the cabinet to declare he is unfit to serve and force him to step down, the source added.

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