Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Alex Jones Gets More Time to Air His Show

Alex Jones
A federal judge has denied a request to immediately shut down conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ media company, Free Speech Systems, which includes Infowars. Jones filed for bankruptcy reorganization after losing two lawsuits and being ordered to pay $1.5 billion to relatives of victims from the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. 

The families have opposed Jones’ reorganization plans. On Sunday, they filed an emergency motion to convert Free Speech Systems’ bankruptcy reorganization into a liquidation, saying Jones has not made progress in showing how he will pay the lawsuit judgments. However, the judge allowed Jones to continue operating for the next two weeks while deciding whether to liquidate his assets. 

The Associated Press reports Jones went on his web and radio show over the weekend with “emergency broadcasts” claiming Free Speech Systems, including his Infowars broadcasts, were going to be shut down at any minute by the federal government and bankruptcy system. That did not happen. At one point, he urged his followers to form a human chain around his studio in Austin, Texas, to protect it.

Jones had claimed that his company would be shut down imminently by the federal government, but that did not happen

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