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Saturday, September 14, 2024

Millennial Women More Likely to Be Swayed By Swift Endorsement

The Taylor Swift effect brought new fans to America's biggest sporting event this past winter. Will the pop star's endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris after Tuesday night's debate drive more votes in the year's biggest election?

USAToday reports:  Yes.  According to Resonate, a data and intelligence company that analyzes trillions of online interactions. Typical polling extrapolates the pulse of American voters from a few hundred or thousand responses. The Reston, Virginia, company uses its AI modeling system to develop its own insights on 250 million people.

Resonate says 2.3 million Americans in battleground states are more likely to be swayed by celebrity endorsements. Those people may be rethinking their voting plans because of Swift's Instagram post, which supported Harris and chided former President Donald Trump for a false AI-created endorsement of him.

Resonate's definition of battleground state is broader than most, but should the Swiftie faithful turn out for Harris in states such as Florida, would it perhaps return to battleground status? The company estimates as many as 667,000 Florida voters, or 29% of the 2.3 million, might be swayed by Swift.

Of the more than 2 million people, it's not just younger, female voters. Still, the majority of Americans who are more open to supporting and voting for Harris are likely to be millennial women. is just a first step, though. The site doesn't offer voter registration, but it points visitors to their states' election sites, where they can learn their states' processes.

Resonate estimates that among the 2.3 million people who were moved by Swift's endorsement, 79% are registered voters. And 828,000 people, about 36%, who were on the fence about voting say they are more likely to turn out.

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