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Thursday, May 2, 2024

Poll: News Organizations Have Serious Trust Issues

Even as many Americans say they learn about the 2024 election campaign from national news outlets, a disquieting poll reveals some serious trust issues. About half of Americans, 53%, say they are extremely or very concerned that news organizations will report inaccuracies or misinformation during the election11. Additionally, 42% express worry that news outlets will use generative artificial intelligence to create stories.

The American Press Institute and AP-NORC Center poll found that 47% of Americans also express serious concern that news outlets would report information that has not been confirmed or verified, and 44% worry that accurate information will be presented in a way that favors one side or another.

While about half of U.S. adults say they follow the news about presidential elections closely, only about 1 in 10 say they have a great deal of confidence in the information they receive from either national or local news outlets when it comes to the 2024 elections.

Years of suspicion about journalists, much of it sown by politicians, is partly responsible for this lack of trust. People are also less familiar with how journalism works, and the industry’s decline has made it less likely for individuals to personally know journalists. Simply putting out the news often isn’t enough anymore; there’s a growing disconnect between news organizations and communities that outlets need to address. Outlets should consider playing a convenor role, bringing people together for newsworthy events and helping the public understand the work of journalists.

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