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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

House Subcommittee Hears All About AM Radio

Tuesday, the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Innovation, Data, and Commerce held a legislative hearing to discuss the importance of preserving Americans’ access to AM radio in vehicles. The hearing focused on the proposed AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act of 2024.

Here are the key points:

Objective: The legislation aims to ensure that AM radio remains available in new vehicles sold in the United States. This is crucial for maintaining access to emergency alerts and critical information during unforeseen events.

Challenges: The issue primarily affects electric vehicles (EVs) due to electromagnetic interference caused by AM radio signals. While AM radio interference exists in internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, it becomes significantly worse in EVs.

House Energy and Commerce Innovation, Data, and Commerce Subcommittee Chair Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) delivered the following opening remarks..

“Every one of us here, both the witnesses and Members on this dais, should agree there is a distinct importance of having a robust and widely accessible communications infrastructure to alert Americans and ensure public safety in the event of emergencies and natural disasters. 

“Our citizens should have quick access to critical information, which helps them make timely and potentially lifesaving decisions to evacuate, stay in place, seek shelter, or contact first responders. 

“The Emergency Alert System plays a crucial role in this infrastructure, as it can be used across our nation to disseminate this important emergency information. 

“I’ve long been a champion for improving these public alerts to ensure they reach everyone, as I was the sponsor of the Integrated Public Alert Warning System Modernization Act, which was enacted into law and authorized an update to these systems to incorporate multiple communications technologies both presently and in the future.

“The system’s requirements also meant alerts needed to go to the largest portion of affected population feasible, including those with access and functional needs, individuals with disabilities, and those in rural and remote areas. States like Florida rely on this system during hurricanes to alert people to dangers related to such powerful storms.

“I believe this is where AM Radio can become so important and will continue to be into the future.

“According to Nielsen Media Research, radio broadcasting still has the highest reach of any medium, capable of reaching 91% of American adults, with most of the listening taking place outside of the home.

Bipartisan Support:  The measure enjoys broad, bipartisan support in both the Senate and the House. Senators and Representatives recognize the public safety imperative of preserving AM radio access.

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