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Thursday, May 30, 2024

Edison: Where Audio Ads Can Reach Potential Voters

A new report ftrom Edison Research has shed light on the impact of audio advertising in reaching voters, particularly as election campaigns gear up for November. Let’s dive into the findings:

Audio Ads Reach Voters:

The Share of Ear dataset reveals that 84% of the voting-age population engages with ad-supported audio daily. This highlights the continued potency of audio ads as a communication tool.

Republicans stand out as heavy supporters of AM/FM radio, with 9% higher engagement compared to the average population. This preference provides a targeted avenue for reaching Republican listeners with tailored political messages.

Democrats, on the other hand, demonstrate a significant affinity for podcasts, indexing 21% higher than the norm. The focused nature of podcast topics and their engaging format make them ideal for campaigns aiming to appeal to Democratic voters with specific interests or concerns.

Independents, a pivotal group in tightly-contested elections, exhibit diverse audio preferences. They engage most with ad-supported streaming music and YouTube music videos, which offer both visual and auditory stimuli.

Radio’s Role:  While radio has the most favorability with Republicans, it shouldn’t be cut from other strategies. Nielsen research from February showed that early utilization of AM/FM radio ads not only extends reach among all voter segments (especially undecided and independent voters) but also outperforms television and connected TV in effectiveness.

Reallocating 20% of a campaign’s media budget to traditional radio could recover lost voter engagement from previous campaigns and enhance overall voter interaction. This strategy is particularly effective with key groups like undecided voters, light TV viewers, and younger demographics such as Gen Xers and Millennials.

Diversifying Media Strategies:  The study emphasizes that integrating audio, including traditional radio, into a candidate’s media strategies not only diversifies reach but also significantly amplifies the impact of political campaigns in today’s fragmented media environment.

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