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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

NYTimes' Project 1619 Called Agenda Driven, False Narrative

In the wake of the George Floyd death, more and more school districts are adding critical race theory – which teaches that America and whites are inherently racist – to their course requirements for graduation, reports CBN. 

California schools almost introduced a curriculum – it passed the state legislature but was vetoed by the governor – that would have required students to critique "empire and its relationship to white supremacy, racism, patriarchy, capitalism and other forms of power and oppression at the intersections of our society."  

But the most well-known and controversial school curriculum on race is the New York Times' 1619 Project, which says America's founding, economy, and government are all based on slavery and white supremacy, and that America didn't begin in 1776 but in 1619 when the first African slaves arrived in Virginia. 

The New York Times has brushed aside claims by several historians that the 1619 Project has major factual errors, basically saying that American history is open to interpretation. 

But after a barrage of criticism for its historical inaccuracy, references to 1619 as America's true founding have been quietly removed from the 1619 website

And now a group of 21 scholars is calling for the Pulitzer Prize Board to strip Nikole Hannah-Jones of her 2020 award for her essay on the 1619 Project, saying it is "disfigured by unfounded conjectures and patently false assertions."

Dr. Carol Swain, who grew up in the Jim Crow south in a shack without running water and went on to teach at Princeton and Vanderbilt, calls the 1619 Project agenda-driven and a false narrative.

"If the curriculum was balanced, it would have to tell the positive side of America," Swain said, "America has been a success story and it's because whites and blacks worked together.  And so, as a descendant of slaves, I feel blessed to be an American. Slavery is what it was. It was not unique to America. And what is true of America was that there were always whites who fought against the institution of slavery,"

Swain other black scholars have put forward a historically accurate alternative to the 1619 Project called 1776 Unites.

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