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Saturday, May 16, 2020

The View: Christie Tells Behar She Was 'Absolutely Wrong'

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie sparred with Joy Behar during an appearance on “The View” on Friday, telling the liberal co-host she was “absolutely wrong” for saying Republicans don’t want to spend money in order to help people amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Fox News reports Christie was explaining that lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have pushed for things they specifically wanted in the stimulus bill.

“We are still distributing hundreds of millions of dollars from the last bill … both sides are going to negotiate on this, it’s the typical legislative process,” Christie said. “Democrats want the things they want, the Republicans will want the things they want and they will ultimately, I believe, come to a compromise as they have on the three bills before this.”

Behar, an outspoken liberal, threw up her hands and disagreed with the former New Jersey governor, accusing Republicans of not wanting to help people.

“They always seem to have money to give tax breaks to rich people in this country, or money to bolster the military, but when it comes to actually helping people, the Republicans don’t… all of the sudden, ‘We don’t have any money,’” Behar said, referring to Americans who are frustrated with coronavirus-related lockdowns and continuing stay-at-home orders.

Behar then attempted to move on to another topic, but Christie defended his party.

“First let me talk about your first point, which is that Republicans voted overwhelmingly for all of the aid for small business people across this country twice. Republicans voted overwhelmingly for $1,200 checks that have gone to every one of the taxpayers out there who qualify,” Christie said. “Republicans have voted for aid to hospitals and front-line health care workers.”

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