Plus Pages

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

L-A, S-D Radio: XEWW Expected To Air China 'Propaganda'

Radio XEWW 690 AM is epxted to soon begin broadcasting in Chinese in a deal critics say will bring Beijing propaganda to Chinese Americans throughout Southern California, reports The Washington Free Beacon.

A Federal Communications Commission filing on the sale of XEWW radio near Tijuana reveals the buyer has ties to Phoenix Satellite Television US, a subsidiary of Hong Kong's pro-Beijing Phoenix TV.

According to government sources, signs that Phoenix is involved in the purchase of the radio station prompted the Trump administration last week to begin an investigation into the national security implications of the sale.

Phoenix TV has been identified by U.S. intelligence agencies as a major overseas outlet used to spread propaganda and promote the policies of the communist government in Beijing. The Hong Kong television station also has close ties to China's intelligence service and military.

XEWW 690 AM (77 Kw-D, 50 Kw-N, DA2)
XEWW, a 77,500-watt station capable of reaching all of southern California is capable of reaching over 600,000 Chinese Americans living in the San Diego-Los Angeles area.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) voiced concerns about the sale and urged the FCC to investigate.

The Free Beacon reports that even though the sale involves a foreign broadcaster, the FCC has a role because the Mexican radio station broadcasts into the United States. Under a 1992 U.S.-Mexico agreement limiting foreign broadcasts from Mexico that can reach the United States, the FCC can block the sale if the agreement will be violated.

The FCC granted temporary authority for the station to continue its current Spanish broadcasts on July 20, pending a final review by the commission.

The station was sold by GLR Southern California. GLR, or Grupo Latino de Radio, is the U.S. subsidiary of PRISA Radio, the world largest Spanish-language radio group.

GLR has stated the new ownership will provide "a full range of Mandarin Chinese programming on station XEWW-AM including music, entertainment, weather report, local (LA) traffic report, and local Chinese community news."

The new owners plan to produce programming in Los Angeles and transfer to programs to XEWW through the internet for broadcast by the radio's transmitters.

1 comment:

  1. The map presented here vastly exaggerates the usable signal range of XEWW. Even the innermost red contour is outside the area where a good signal can be expected, given the high noise levels and great distance between the XEWW transmitter in Rosarito, BC, México, and the LA metro. Truthfully, the only reliable signal area for both in-car and indoor reception in the LA area is mostly within 8 to 12 miles of the coast, with severe deterioration occurring farther inland.

    XEWW, as XETRA, once had a decent signal over the LA metro area, but increasing noise levels make all but the most powerful local AMs useless in most of the market. A signal from Mexico is not going to be of much use except as a talking point on cable talk shows.
