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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

CNN To Skip Media Christmas Party At TWH

President Trump has called them, among other things, "dishonest," "fake news" and "a disgrace to good reporting." Now, they don't want to go to his Christmas party.

According to USAToday, CNN said that it is skipping the White House Christmas party this year because of the abuse the president has continued to heap on the cable news network.

"CNN will not be attending this year's White House Christmas party," a CNN spokesperson told Politico. "In light of the President's continued attacks on freedom of the press and CNN, we do not feel it is appropriate to celebrate with him as his invited guests. We will send a White House reporting team to the event and report on it if news warrants."

White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders seemed pleasd the folks from CNN wouldn't make it over for Friday's party, tweeting"

The annual party has long been a time for members of the news media to socialize with the people they cover in the White House. But the relationship between Trump and CNN appears to have soured past the point of briefly putting aside differences for the sake of sharing some holiday spirits.

Trump has been insulting CNN for years, but the network seems to have been particularly peeved by the president's most recent attacks.

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