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Thursday, March 16, 2017

News Flash: Millennials Watching CabeTV News

Millennials are getting more of their news on cable TV.

In the first quarter, Fox News attracted the highest number of millennials — famously addicted to their smartphones — with 67,700 of those aged between 18 and 34 tuning in.

That’s up 250 percent from the same period two years ago, when just 27,100 millennial viewers were glued to Fox News, according to Nielsen data obtained by The Post.

According to the NYPost, CNN isn’t far behind. It grew millennial viewership to 62,900 from 34,800 in 2015, while MSNBC just notched 35,900 in the first quarter versus 20,400 in the comparable period two years earlier.

To be sure, millennials are the first generation to grow up attached to their digital devices, and the latest cable-TV figures aren’t big numbers when compared with the hundreds of millions of log-ins that social networks like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat notch each month.

Still, data show a surprising trend — namely, that all three news networks grew the number of young adults watching their broadcasts on both a one-year and two-year basis.

To be sure, millennials are the first generation to grow up attached to their digital devices, and the latest cable-TV figures aren’t big numbers when compared with the hundreds of millions of log-ins that social networks like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat notch each month.

Nonstop chaos in Washington, an investigation into Russian interference in the elections, wiretapping claims and allegations of fake news have made watching the news a nonstop reality show of epic proportions.

Millennials are a sought-after demographic for advertisers, even though they’re more likely to still live with their parents than at any time since 1880, according to Pew Research.

There are now 75.4 million millennials, who overtook baby boomers last year as the biggest segment of the US population.

The news segment is on fire. Fox News, CNN and MSNBC have been hitting record ratings at a time when both general cable and broadcast networks are struggling to hold on to their viewers.

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