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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Hillary Clinton Jokes About Health Conspiracy Theory

Hillary Clinton joked on Jimmy Kimmel Live last night (August 22nd) about the conspiracy theory about her health that has been backed and, in some cases, spread by Donald Trump's campaign and its surrogates.

After Kimmel asked her about the rumors, most recently raised by former New York City Mayor and Trump surrogate Rudy Giuliani, the Democratic presidential nominee put out her wrist and told him to take her pulse, quote, "to make sure I'm alive." Kimmel did and joked, "Oh my God, there's nothing there!"

He then asked Clinton to open a jar of pickles to show her strength, which she did while pretending it was really hard to do. She joked, "Back in October, the National Enquirer said I'd be dead in six months. So with every breath I take I feel like it's a new lease on life."

She added, "I do feel sometimes like this campaign has entered into an alternative universe. . . . I don't know why they are saying this. I think on the one hand it's part of the wacky strategy. On the other hand, it absolutely makes no sense."

Much of the conspiracy theory is related to a concussion Clinton suffered in 2012 after she fainted due to dehydration from a stomach virus. Clinton fully recovered from the episode and her doctor has said she is in excellent health and fit to serve as president.

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