Plus Pages

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

TV Nets Won't Fight Trump Restrictions

Network TV representatives decided Monday not to fight restrictions imposed by Donald Trump’s campaign on reporters covering the Republican presidential front-runner, according to The Washington Post.

In a conference call, the political-news chiefs of the five leading news networks conferred about the issue but came to no agreement about what to do, several people familiar with the discussion said.

Corey Lewandowski
The call among news managers from ABC News, CBS News, CNN, Fox News and NBC News came after two run-ins between network journalists and Trump officials last week.

In both cases, the journalists — videographers who have been “embedded” with the campaign for months — sought to speak with people attending Trump rallies. They were ordered back into a designated media “pen” by Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, who threatened to ban them from covering the campaign if they didn’t comply.

Some network managers had been pushing for a joint statement or letter to the Trump campaign seeking an agreement on reporter access. But others said the issue was overblown and required no formal action. The lack of unanimity doomed any further effort.

In interviews, officials from two networks described the conflicts between Lewandowski and reporters last week as an unpleasant but routine part of campaign coverage. They dismissed the need for a collective response.

Lewandowski threatened to “blacklist” a CNN journalist, Noah Gray, last week after Gray sought to leave the press pen during a Trump speech in Worcester, Mass.

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