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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Coalition Urges New Hybrid Radio For Smartphones

The BBC is leading the development of a new generation of ‘hybrid’ radio, following extensive research that shows most smartphone users want broadcast radio in their devices.

The BBC is working with a coalition of global broadcasters – which includes UK commercial radio, the EBU, iHeartMedia, Ibiquity, Emmis Interactive, NAB and Commercial Radio Australia – to research and develop ‘hybrid’ radio – a combination of internet and broadcast (DAB or FM) radio – for use in mobile phones.

New research commissioned by the BBC shows the majority of smartphone users want radio in their devices but have concerns around mobile data costs, battery use and reception issues when using streamed audio services.

It showed that people would value hybrid radio which brings together the strengths of broadcast radio – free-to-receive, robust reception and reliability – with the digital enhancements and interactivity of internet radio.

Nearly two thirds of the mobile phone owners surveyed found the idea of hybrid radio appealing and said it could be a deciding factor when faced with a choice between phones with similar specs. Better reception coverage, longer battery life and reduced mobile data costs were recognised as key benefits for hybrid radio in mobile devices and would make a tangible difference to listening whilst on the move or in the car.

The coalition – under the banner of the Universal Smartphone Radio Project – has been discussing hybrid radio with mobile and technology manufacturers, and how to build the functionality into handsets. Helen Boaden, Director of BBC Radio, said: “There is an enduring love for radio and easy listening on the move is critical for this. This UK-led global partnership is a response to listeners’ demand for simple, charge-free radio in mobile phones.”

Mark Friend
Mark Friend, the BBC’s head of multiplatform radio, said a smartphone push was the best way to “remove the barriers that currently exist to listening on your mobile,” according to The Telegraph.

Access to DAB and FM radio broadcasts via the same apps as online streaming will provide better reception, improve battery life and cut mobile bills for smartphone listeners, it is hoped.

The trend for car makers to include mobile connectivity and smartphone integration in new models is also seen as a threat, as drivers could switch from radio to streaming apps such as Spotify to keep them entertained.

Friend said: “We want to start getting radio on mobiles ready for the introduction of connected cars.

“Radio listening is really important to people in cars and broadcast will remain the best way to deliver the audio stream with good enough UK coverage for the next decade but it needs to compete with internet services in terms of look and feel.”

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