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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

R.I.P.: Radio Talker, Astrologer Myrna Lamb Has Died

Myrna Lamb
Radio personality and professional astrologer Myrna Lamb has died.

Lamb  hosted a variety of call-in programs, first on astrology, then a general advice show. 

Back in the ‘80s, she was syndicated on  NBC Radio’s Talknet, broadcast on 300 radio stations nationwide.  

She also hosted a relationship-based show midmornings on WGY 810 AM in Albany NY for a few years in the ’90s.

Most recently, she hosted a Saturday evening show about astrology on WPRO 630 AM in Providence.


  1. I have enjoyed listening to Mryna on WPRO and have called in a few times, when she was spot on with her readings. I shall miss her immensely.
    My deepest condolences to her family, friends and colleagues. Lorraine from East Greenwich

  2. Myrna Lamb was an incredibly talented healer who used her own unique and accurate system of prediction using simple playing cards and the caller's birth chart to answer their question She never failed to administer her wisdom and keenly targeted advice with a tempering of empathy, kindness and professional psychological insight. Her appeal spanned the generations and she will be greatly missed by her many devotees. My deepest sympathy to her family. Anita from Cranston.

  3. I was sad to hear of Myrna's passing. I called in a few times and she was amazingly accurate with her readings. I never had the chance to let her know how she helped me find the courage to go out and meet new people eventually meeting my husband and stay at my current job because I was not going to be part of layoffs. She was truly a support to me when I needed it. My condolences to her family. L. from East Providence

  4. Just recently we lost Charles Sherba concert master of RI philarmonic and a great asset to Brown Univ teaching violin he also battled cancer and the week before Myrna a great musical talent soul and blues singer early sixties passed suddenly and now we have lost Myrna and I will miss the two musicians imensly but I will miss Myrna the most I was to schedule a reading soon to help my direction in life and when I should have my hip surgery. I always had my radio on in the car on Saturday and called many times over the years. How will we get along without her. I am glad my daughter who is out in the midwest right now listened to me and called her on that last day for her insight into a current relationship so now she also knows why Myrna was so special and I hope they keep playing her shows so we can hear her voice always.

  5. Sandra Ross & FamilyJune 14, 2014 at 7:03 PM

    It has all been said so well that I almost hesitate to add my thoughts, but I miss this very special woman. A star has stopped shining in the sky and my tears flow. God Bless you. Sandra Ross and Family

  6. Myrna was my first art teacher for several years of my childhood, while she was still in college. I loved her dearly and have always felt her influence in the artwork I do now as an adult. I didn't realize that she was Myrna Lamb - as I only knew her by her maiden name - until recently and I decided to meet her and tell her thank you. To tell her what an influence she'd been on my life and the direction I chose. And i did meet her and I did thank her. We had a wonderful conversation. She asked me "So what did you grow up to be?" and I told her "an artist." She clapped her hands with joy and hugged me. In December she came to a show I was in and bought one of my small pieces, a little ceramic fish. We promised to get together again when the weather warmed up. I am so sad to hear of her sudden passing. My condolences to her family, who she talked lovingly about on the day we met. I want to say too, that her voice was soft and gentle, and carried with it the warmth of her inner spirit and that too is something I'm sure will make us smile when we remember her.
    Thank you.

  7. Myrna Lamb first turned me on to a radio talk show. I listened to her every night on the radio, and I really enjoyed her practical advice to the troubled souls who phoned in. I felt quite lost when her show ceased to be broadcast. I never knew she had a masters in Psychology-but it showed in the sound advice she offered. I also never knew about her love of astrology and art. An amazingly talented woman. Losing her is a sadness for all who knew her. My deepest condolences to her family.

  8. I went to Myrna in the early 90s for a reading. All I can say is she helped me to get unstuck in my job and life. She was very much a counselor as well as a reader.
    Intelligent,kind and honest.I will always thank Myrna for helping me to help myself.
