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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tom Kay Retires From The Conclave

Tom Kay has announced his retirement from the position of Executive Director of the organization that he helped build and serve over the past 37 years. "The time has come for this torch to be passed and for me to move on to the next chapters of my life," said Kay. Tom is the only Executive Director the Conclave has known, and a search for his replacement has begun. Tom will continue as ExDir until a replacement is named, which is expected to be later this fall. Read on for more about Tom's retirement, and for information about requirements for the position of Executive Director.

Tom’s association with the Conclave began in 1976, when as Program Director of WJON/St. Cloud, Minnesota he became part of the organization’s first Advisory Board. In 1979, he left radio to join Doug Lee Midwest Promotion in Minneapolis as a promotion associate and Conclave coordinator. Later on, Doug retired and Tom began Main Street Marketing & Promotion, Inc. In 1985, as the Conclave became a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, its Board of Directors named Tom Executive Director, a post he has held ever since.

Speaking about the Conclave organization, Tom said, “I have become one of those ‘men of a certain age’ and it’s simply come time to hang up my Clavin’ shoes. I’m proud of what I’ve helped build for these 37 years, and feel uplifted that something I had a small hand in creating has had such a positive impact on an industry and the people in it. The time has come for a person with a fresh vision to step up and find the ways and means to turn the challenges facing our industry into soul-stirring opportunities, and continuing the mission of the Conclave to nurture, teach and inspire. I thank the Conclave Board, past and present, and the industry for having afforded me the privilege to serve the organization and radio for as long as I have. I look forward now to spending time with my ever-growing family and my newly retired wife. Forget it, Lou Gehrig…it’s ME who’s truly the luckiest man on the face of the earth!”

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