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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Opinion: Bring The Jersey Boys Back To NJ 101.5

From Anne Mikolay,
New Jersey 101.5 (Not New York! Not Philadelphia! Proud to be New Jersey!) has been my radio station of choice for years. In the early morning, Jim Gearhart keeps me updated on what's going on in our state. As I am driving around mid-day, Dennis and Judi keep me company. And while I am on the road from 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm daily, The Jersey Guys make me laugh.

While I was out of state last week, my son sent me an urgent text message: “101.5 canceled The Jersey Guys!” I couldn't believe it! 101.5, are you kidding me? How could you cancel the funniest guys you have in your program line-up? It seems station management did not renew the contracts of Ray Rossi and Casey Bartholomew, aka The Jersey Guys, and replaced the duo with Deminski and Doyle. Deminksi and Doyle? Didn't I listen to them back in the 90s? In my humble opinion, the fact that I remember their names and not much else about them doesn't bode well for the new program. No offense to Deminski and Doyle, but isn't replacing a popular team with radio personalities from the 90s taking the station backward rather than forward?

If you are going to miss The Jersey Guys, too, please go to the “Bring Back The Jersey Guys to 101.5” facebook page and let your voice be heard, or email the 101.5 program director, Eric Johnson at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Come on, 101.5, give us back our Jersey Guys! Without them, your station may be “proud to be New Jersey,” but it will be nothing special.
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  1. While I mostly agreed with their views, Casey just took things too far at times, cutting callers off and not allowing them to speak when he disagreed with what they were saying. He'd get annoyed when callers talked while he was talking, but did it himself to them. He would have been much more effective if he had a little more class, and a little less attitude.


  3. Just bring them back,they say it like it is and they're funny

  4. The Jersey Guys are the reason why I began listening to 101.5. It sucks that they were fired. Now I just pass over the station on my ride home from work....I guess I am going to have to subscribe to Sirius radio to get some decent talk radio now. Bring them back!

  5. These two new guys suck royally! Can they sound anymore melodramatic and boring?! I can't even listen anymore; I try but must turn the dial after about 5 minutes. Casey was a bit of a baby and never gave anyone else a chance to talk, but at least he was somewhat entertaining.

  6. DON'T BRING BACK CASEY. HE WAS LIKE LISTENING TO BIG BIRD ON SESAME STREET AND ABOUT THE SAME LEVEL OF INTELLIGENCE. NOT FOR THINKING ADULTS. HE WAS HORRIBLE AND I AM GLAD HE IS GONE> D and D are snoozers, "Mr. Radio" and not authentic like Dennis. They need to be real and not their phony, manufacured radio schtick.


    DON'T LIKE D. & D.

  8. I loved listening to them on my way home from work every day and turned my husband onto them too. Sure miss them in the afternoons.

  9. Casey was one of those rare breeds that was naturally funny. I don't even share his conservative views but I recognize a funny personality when I hear one. It's depressing he is gone. I found him hilarious at times and the show was something to look forward to during my long commute home.

  10. Yes,Real clear and turn it up boys.

  11. What about cartin &Rossi??? They were the best.
