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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Rush On WI Gov. Prank Call: No News

From Rush Limbaugh Show Wednesday 2/23:
RUSH: "You probably heard by now (if you haven't, I'll tell you about it) the panic {prank] call to Scott Walker from a leftist "journalist." An obscure, wacko, extreme leftist publication, journalist pretended to be David Koch.  Now, I know David Koch....I know his brother Charles Koch.  The so-called evil Koch brothers are nothing of the sort.  They are, as is typical, the exact opposite of the way the Democrats and the media portray them.  They're just like any other people.  They have organizations that are designed to influence and shape the country in ways they believe in.  They happen to be constitutionalists.  They happen to be conservatives.
So the governor end up talking to "David Koch" and now the AP has this story. In fact, it's the top story at AP now. "Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has been lured into a conversation about his strategy to cripple public employee unions by a prank caller pretending to be a billionaire Republican donor.  Walker spokesman Cullen Werwie confirms the governor is on audio of the call posted Wednesday on the website of the Buffalo Beast, a left leaning New York newspaper.  The governor believes the caller is David Koch.  He talks about plans for layoff notices and what can be done to punish lawmakers who have left the state.  The caller suggest that Walker take a baseball bat when meeting with Democrats.  Walker jokes that he's got 'a slugger with his name on it.'"
Now, the brothers, David and Charles Koch, "have given millions to support Americans for Prosperity, which has launched a $320,000 ad campaign supporting Governor Walker." I have spoken at Charles Koch's event in Vail a couple three years ago, I forget which, and I met people there that I had previously met at other groups and organizations. This is the creme de la creme of conservative philanthropy, hardly any subversives at all.  Now, funny thing is, if you listen to the tape -- and it's been made available. It's a long tape. We don't have it yet, and if we get it we will, it's gonna take a long time to pare this down to the essentials. But if you listen to it or if you read a transcript of the phone call, Walker says in private to this prank caller exactly what he says in public, even to a possible fat cat donor.
He doesn't say anything he hasn't said publicly.  He was not entrapped into saying something that's embarrassing. He didn't say, "Yeah, what I'm really doing here, David, will make you love me! What I'm really doing here..." None of that.  He was being up front.  I guess that's shocking to the left and the Democrats and their media minions, is that there's not something surreptitious going on here.  It is typical. This is a journalist, par... (interruption) Well, if you're gonna talk about the ethics of posing as somebody else, then you're gonna have to indict 60 Minutes.  That's how 60 Minutes put themselves on the map. (interruption)
Well, 60 Minutes would go into some gas station ripping people off -- you know, one that had a Jesus on the cash register. They put on a hidden microphone and send in fake customers to rip 'em off.  I mean, this is a common journalistic ploy.  No, the real question here is: "Why wasn't this properly vetted in the governor's office? How did this call get in? Anybody can make a prank call.  You can't sit here and condemn what happened because prank calls are common. Hell, I used to do this on the radio, for crying out loud.  I never called governors and stuff....
...Well, you can say, "Yeah, typical journalist: False, misrepresentation, attempt to entrap" and so forth.  The thing is, the guy failed.  What they were trying to get Scott Walker on is: He dared talk to a Republican donor!"
Read more here.

Must Read:

JIM ROMENESKO:  SPJ scolds Buffalo Beast for call to Wisconsin governor

Must Watch:

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell. On Wednesday evening, O’Donnell scored an exclusive interview with the prank caller.

Greta Van Susteren interviews WI Governor Walker:

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