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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Rush: "This Is All Abouting Shutting Down Opposition"

In his own words:
Don't kid yourself.  What this was all about is shutting down any and all political opposition and eventually criminalizing it. Criminalizing policy differences, at least when they differ from the Democrat Party agenda.  One of the more disturbing things about this incident is that someday the left will finally get their wish.  One of these days it's going to happen.  This is all setting the table for it.  Groups are large.  Many people populate groups -- and within any group of people, a sample is gonna find those who are unstable, deranged, and so forth like this kid.  You are eventually, at some point, going to probably find somebody who could be more closely identified with a particular political movement.  This kid is just a nut, and they've done their best...By the way, they're already moving off of this, folks. They're now talking about gun control.  That's the indication that they're preparing to move off of the fact that I, the Tea Party, Palin, and all these other people are responsible for this. They're now moving to gun control.  That was also predictable.  What that happens, you know that they're beginning to change course on this.  Now, I guarantee you that somewhere in a desk drawer in Washington, DC -- someplace in an FCC bureaucrat's office or someplace -- the government machinery will be in place to take away as many political freedoms as they can manage on the left.  They already have it in place, just like the health care bill, Obamacare, was already written years ago. It was in a desk drawer waiting for the moment that they could begin to implement it.

The same thing here. I wouldn't be surprised if somebody in the Obama administration or some FCC bureaucrat or some Democrat congressman has it already written up, such legislation, sitting in a desk drawer somewhere just waiting for the right event for a clampdown.  They have been trying this ever since the Oklahoma City bombing. They have.

And the first thought, the desperate hope that the losers in November of 2010 had, was that they could revitalize their political fortunes because of this unfortunate shooting of a congresswoman in Arizona.  That was the most important thing to them -- and that, to me, is sick.  You know that they were rubbing hands together.  You know that they were e-mailing and calling each other on the phones saying, "A-ha, this might be the one!  This might be the one where we can officially tie it to these guys and shut 'em up and shut 'em down."  They want you to believe that sadness was on the order of the day, and I'm sure it was, but the opportunity! They couldn't help themselves.  They just couldn't help themselves.
Their first objective and first priority was to try to make an association between this nut and Sarah Palin. What? That's absolutely... You talk about insane? This guy doesn't know Sarah Palin.  She doesn't know him.  The really weak, flimsy, balsa wood-type attempts to link this guy to Sarah Palin?  The difference is that a majority of the American people don't buy it.  The difference today and 15, 20 years ago is these people on the left are now seen by a majority of Americans for who they are and what they are.  They can't sell what they have to sell.  Real question: Who are the parents of this kid?  What kind of a job did they do raising this kid?  Are the parents derelicts?  So what?  This guy spends time on the Web surfing and so forth.
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