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Thursday, July 11, 2024

Biden To Wear Big Boy Pants For News Presser

President Biden is slated to face the media late Thursday afternoon in his first solo press conference since his disastrous debate last month, and it's anticipated that he'll be grilled as the nation weighs his mental acuity amid heightening health concerns. 

Biden is expected to hold the news conference on Thursday at 6:30 p.m. EDT after hosting NATO leaders in Washington, D.C., this week. The media has dubbed the press conference a "big boy press conference," with the president fielding questions from the media solo. It marks Biden's first solo press conference of the year and the first time he will speak to the media at a presser since his debate against former President Trump on June 27, Fox News found.

Biden is facing heightened concerns over his health in the wake of his poor debate performance, which opened floodgates of concern in the Democratic Party that the president's 81 years of age and alleged slipping mental acuity will cost the party as the Biden campaign squares up against Trump.

At least nine elected Democrats have called on Biden to drop out since the debate, and at least 23 Democrats, including former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Reps. Adam Schiff and Jamie Raskin, have expressed concern over Biden’s performance and re-election effort.

Axios urges:  Don't underestimate reporters' bitterness at this White House.

A natural tension always exists. But this is different: Biden has operated in a protective bubble, often hermetically sealed from tough questioning. Many reporters believe the White House hid signs of Biden's aging, and played them or badgered them when they did push on the topic.

Many are being harassed on social media for being too soft on Biden. In our experience, most reporters are more insecure than people think, and highly sensitive to how friends and foes see them, especially on X.

The stakes are even higher than during the first presidential debate. If Biden looks weak and wobbly, his Democratic critics will pounce and crank up resignation calls. If he looks strong and steady, the anti-Biden campaign could stall.

Biden's every word and move will be dissected, every mangled sentence scrutinized, every stiff move or mind freeze discussed, according Axios.

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