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Thursday, June 13, 2024

How Americans Get News on Social Media

A Pew Research Center survey has been released which shows how Americans encounter news on four major social media platforms: TikTok, X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, and Instagram. 

Here are the key findings:

  1. X (Twitter) stands out as a news destination: Most X users consider keeping up with news a reason for using the platform, and about half regularly get news there. Opinion- or humor-based content is prevalent.
  2. Facebook remains the top news source: 30% of U.S. adults regularly get news on Facebook. Instagram (16%), TikTok (14%), and X (12%) follow, but with smaller shares.

News sources vary: Facebook and Instagram users often get news from friends, family, and acquaintances. TikTok users rely more on influencers or unknown individuals. X users primarily get news from news outlets or journalists.

Inaccurate news: Most users on all platforms sometimes encounter news that seems inaccurate. Democrats tend to be more skeptical of X news, while Republicans express more skepticism on Facebook.

The findings highlight the diverse ways Americans engage with news across social media.

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