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Saturday, June 8, 2024

Journalists At NY Times, Reuters Upset With Union Costs

There’s a conflict brewing between journalists at the New York Times, Reuters, and other newsrooms and the NewsGuild of New York. 

Here are the key points:

Organizing Costs and Leadership Criticism: Some unionized journalists are unhappy with the NewsGuild’s organizing costs and the outspoken left-leaning criticism of journalism by some of its leaders. The Reuters NewsGuild unit chair, Tim McLaughlin, expressed concern about the union’s fiscal responsibility and its shift toward activism rather than focusing on journalists’ interests. McLaughlin emphasized that the Guild should prioritize journalists’ needs over political activism.

Debate Over Dues and Political Topics: The conflict extends to dues. Guild members are currently voting on whether to make permanent an increase in the share of their salaries that union members pay each year. Additionally, there’s an ongoing debate within the Guild about how to address political topics. The war in Gaza has been a point of contention. Some Guild staff members have criticized The New York Times’ coverage of the war, leading to tensions between Guild supporters and members of the Independent Caucus, a coalition of reporters from various news outlets.

Controversial Social Media Post: Nastaran Mohit, a high-profile Guild organizer, made a controversial post on social media, referring to “Zionist butchers.” The post sparked further debate and raised concerns about the Guild’s credibility and its handling of political issues.

The clash involves financial matters, political speech, and differing views on journalistic priorities. It’s a complex situation that reflects broader tensions within media unions.

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