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Friday, May 24, 2024

Tlaib Aide Obstructs Fox News View Of Congresswoman

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a "war criminal" on Thursday during fiery remarks that grew more contentious when a Capitol Hill staffer used an umbrella to obstruct a Fox News cameraman who was filming the exchange. 
The unidentified aide is seen in video of the encounter repeatedly opening and closing his umbrella. The action interferes with the camera shot and at one point the umbrella seemingly makes contact with the operator, who witnesses say was hit in the face and upper body.

The interaction occurred as Chad Pergram, Fox News Channel's senior congressional correspondent, was asking Tlaib about Netanyahu potentially being asked to address members of Congress. The prospects for such an invite have gained momentum in the wake of the decision by the International Criminal Court to issue an arrest warrant for Netanyahu, who has overseen Israel's war against Hamas terrorists in Gaza. The move by the ICC has drawn bipartisan ire, though Tlaib has been a consistent critic of Netanyahu.

"What happens if Netanyahu comes to speak?" Pergram asks Tlaib in the video as the staffer opens the umbrella, obstructing the camera's view and forcing Pergram to move.

"Ms. Tlaib, what happens if Netanyahu comes to speak? Is that a mistake by the speaker to extend this request?" Pergram continues.

The staffer is then seen closing the umbrella as Pergram asks Tlaib: "Would you attend? Would you protest in any form?"

Tlaib answers, slamming Netanyahu and those who would consider inviting him to speak to Congress.

"I don't know, inviting a war criminal to Congress is a sham," Tlaib says. "It's shameful."

As she responds, the staffer steps between the cameraman and Pergram, who is still questioning Tlaib, and opens the umbrella again. The camera then pans wildly as the umbrella makes contact with the operator.

An outspoken critic of Israel's war with Hamas, Tlaib called for the arrest of Netanyahu and other senior Israeli officials earlier this month for what she called violations of the Genocide Convention under international law.

Fox News Digital has reached out to Capitol Police for comment.

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