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Monday, May 6, 2024

Report: Radio Offers Listeners Connections

As media consumption behaviors evolve, certain sentiments continue to stand out with radio fans across generations: the appreciation of radio's local and personal connections. Advertisers on radio can tap into these connections as they strive for meaningful engagement with consumers in today's media landscape. Findings from Jacobs Media Strategies' recent Techsurvey 2024 reaffirm this relationship between listeners and radio, especially among the younger cohorts.

Radio Fosters Connections Across Generations

More than half of radio listeners say a main reason they tune in to radio is their feeling of connection with it (55%). When asked about their favorite station in particular, more than three-quarters of listeners report really feeling connected to it. And among those listeners, more than half (42% out of 77%) "strongly agree" with the statement, truly embracing that relationship. This heightened connection is felt across all ages, but is strongest among Generations X through Z. And the feeling is growing - the number of fans who feel strong connections to their favorite station has risen +35% over the past 5 years. 

A major driver of this listener connection is personal: radio's on-air talent. This year, 61% of radio listeners say they tune in to radio for the DJs, hosts, and shows, +4 points above hearing their favorite music and artists. Listeners of all ages appreciate this personal, human connection, with highest levels seen among Millennials. 

Jacobs finds that the airwaves aren't enough for 6 in 10 listeners who want to continue this connection with local on-air personalities even further. Those most interested in engaging with their favorite DJs and shows beyond just listening to the radio are Gen Z's and Millennials. 

Radio stations connect with consumers locally - in the communities where they live. 89% of listeners believe that this local quality is one of radio's biggest assets, and more than half (57%) strongly believe so. Radio's local richness is valued by all age brackets, especially Millennials and Gen X. And its deep appreciation is on the rise, up +24% overall in the past 5 years. 

Radio's mastery of local consumer connections is one of its unique assets. By partnering with local radio stations and on-air personalities, brands can establish a meaningful presence in communities and authentic connections with consumers, especially younger listeners.

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