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Monday, April 29, 2024

Radio’s Perception vs. Reality Problem

Radio consultant Fred Jacobs has been pondering the intriguing interplay between perceptions and reality.

Fred Jacobs
Perceptions vs. Reality in Marketing and Politics:

From a marketing standpoint, perceptions significantly shape our thoughts and actions. Consider the current Presidential race – voters’ perceptions of the candidates ultimately drive their choices. Is Donald Trump seen as a hero, a brilliant businessman, or a fraud? Is Joe Biden an accomplished politician or an out-of-touch old man? These perception-reality dynamics extend to broader issues like inflation, foreign affairs, and the trajectory of democracy.

Radio’s Struggle with Perception: The U.S. radio industry has been on the defensive for over two decades. Despite being a massive platform with unparalleled reach and influence, radio faces skepticism. If consumers don’t believe in radio’s impact, the reality becomes irrelevant. When advertisers perceive radio as irrelevant, they allocate budgets elsewhere. COVID-19 disrupted habitual behavior, prompting re-evaluation of daily routines and media choices11.

➤Read Jacobs Blog on Perceptions and Reality:  HERE

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