Plus Pages

Friday, February 22, 2019

Rush Limbaugh Praises Chicago's Top Cop

Radio host Rush Limbaugh weighed in on the Jussie Smollett controversy Thursday saying the "Empire" actor was just another example of the left trying to portray America as a country filled with hate, according to Fox News.

“He’s a typical left-wing Democrat today! By the way, he paid these guys with a check. The guy’s an idiot in addition to everything else,” Limbaugh said on his radio program. “The left is nothing but phony hate crimes, phony alleged hate crimes, phony charges, made-up stories.”

Eddie Johnson
Smollett was charged in Chicago police for planning a fake attack, accusing two white strangers of calling him racist and homophobic names, putting a noose around his neck, pouring bleach on him and using a pro-Trump slogan.

“They know these things probably aren’t true, but they want them to be, and that’s why they report them as true," Limbaugh said. “So in the mind of the American left, these crimes are happening everywhere. Even if the Smollett case isn’t real, it’s real elsewhere, and we must ‘raise consciousness.’”

Limbaugh also called out the media for their Smollett coverage and took presidential candidates Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Sen. Cory Booker, D-NJ., to task for their initial reaction saying Sen. Harris “couldn’t wait to believe this.”

The only person that generated any praise from Limbaugh was Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson who blasted Smollet in a press conference this morning.

“This guy called out presidential candidates for piling on here without any evidence whatsoever. He called out a bunch of people being punked and fooled by an actor. He called out the actor himself as an African-American. How dare this man sully the civil rights legacy of this country by taking advantage of it for his own desire to get more money,” Limbaugh said. “This is an adult. This police superintendent in Chicago is an adult.”

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